By upgrading septic tanks within designated river catchments in Somerset, we are reducing pollution and supporting healthier ecosystems – as well as streamlining planning applications throughout the region.
The resultant phosphate ‘betterment’ has enabled Somerset Council to grant planning approval to property developers who are able to demonstrate their dwellings are nutrient neutral. Below is a list of some of the approvals that have been granted to date as a result of our phosphate credit scheme.
Planning Approvals Granted to Date:
43/23/0056 Outline application with all matters reserved, except for access, for a mixed use development of up to 200 No. dwellings, employment land (Use Classes E & F), an internal spine road to facilitate a rail halt/station, public open space, drainage & associated infrastructure on land north of Taunton Road, Longforth Park, Wellington (DEPARTURE FROM LOCAL PLAN).
38/22/0239 Demolition of building and structures and erection of 2 No. buildings for academic teaching and residential boarding with provision of associated car parking, installation of pedestrian bridge and construction of flood lit, enclosed multi games area at Taunton School, Taunton
22/01197/LBC Change of use & conversion of existing agricultural outbuildings (ancillary to adjoining residential use) to provide 1no. new dwelling with a detached annex
22/00911/FUL Change of use & conversion of existing agricultural outbuildings (ancillary to adjoining residential use) to provide 1no. new dwelling with a detached annex
23/02119/OUT Outline Application with all matters reserved for the Erection of a 4 bedroom detached dwelling to rear of existing dwelling and erection of 2No. detached garages to serve the existing and proposed new dwelling.
20/23/0048 Demolition of detached annexe and erection of 1 No. detached dwelling with associated parking at Brantwood, Lodes Lane, Kingston St Mary
38/22/0414 Erection of 1 No. detached dwelling with associated parking, access and landscaping in the garden to the side of 39 Mountfields Road, Taunton
48/22/0005 Demolition of garage/workshop and erection of 1 No. detached dwelling with garages and associated alterations to access on land west of Church Hill, West Monkton (resubmission of 48/21/0005)
23/03107/FUL Change of use, conversion and extension of existing building to create an HMO for use by the staff of the adjoining Nursing Home (The Knoll 33 Preston Rd)
38/23/0103/LB Demolition of outbuilding and erection of a 1 No. detached dwelling at Weir Lodge, Staplegrove Road, Taunton (resubmission of 38/22/0345LB)
38/23/0334 Change of use of rear of part of ground floor into 1 No. dwelling with associated alterations and construction of infill walling below the first floor room at 24 Billet Street, Taunton
14/24/00002 Erection of 2 no. lodges and associated landscape works.
24/00640/FUL Erection of 3 No. residential flats
43/23/0060 Erection of 1 No. two bedroom detached bungalow on land to the rear of Allendale Terrace, Rockwell Green, Wellington.
44/20/0025 Conversion of barns into 3 No. holiday lets at Backways Farm House, Backways Lane, Wellington.
23/02380/FUL Proposed erection of a self-build dwelling with detached garage and replacement of existing access.
38/23/0407 Change of use of veterinary surgery to 1 No. residential dwelling at 137 Kingston Road, Taunton.
23/03053/FUL Proposed construction of detached dwelling, detached garage and associated works.
21/01331/FUL Proposed change of use of land from former Agricentre site to residential. Proposed demolition of existing Agricentre and erection of 8 No. dwellings, associated carports, landscaping works and new vehicular access with pedestrian footpath.
49/22/0008 Demolition of stable building and erection of 1 No. dwelling at Westwayne, 2 West Road, Wiveliscombe.
38/24/0108 Change of use of part of ground floor into 1 No. residential dwelling at 22 Billet Street, Taunton.
If you would like to discuss your phosphate credit requirements, please get in touch.