
Installation And Ongoing Servicing of HIPAF Sewage Treatment Plant

Set in the beautiful Devon countryside, Coombeswood House offers high-quality care 24 hours a day for people over 65 years of age who have care needs. Coombeswood House is served by a WPL HiPAF sewage treatment plant which was installed and continues to be serviced by WCI.

Installation to servicing

WCI initially worked for Coombeswood House back in 2016 when the continued growth of the home and Environment Agency requirements saw the need for a new package sewage treatment plant to be installed.

Following the installation work, WCI was awarded the ongoing Service Contract. WCI British Water Accredited Service Engineers* visit the site every six months to maintain the system, advise on emptying and take a treated effluent sample to the UKAS accredited laboratory.

* https://www.britishwater.co.uk/page/ListofAccreditedServiceTechnicians

Meet EA permit standards

  1. FOGs – Fats, oils and grease being poured down the kitchen drain. The installation of a grease trap on the kitchen drains now means that no FOGs are seen at the HiPAF plant and good kitchen practices have reduced the amounts of FOGs entering the drains in the first place.
  2. Non-flushable materials being flushed via the bathrooms. Ongoing staff training supported with appropriate signage throughout the home, has reduced the presence of non-flushable materials in the system.
  3. High levels of TSS (Total Suspended Solids) in the effluent samples. A review of emptying frequency identified a lack of diarised emptying due to a clerical error. Emptying was reinstated and the treated effluent TSS levels monitored.

The system is working well and in line with the Environment Agency permit discharge standards.

Extremely professional, knowledgably and efficient

Sam Cook, Director