Flood Risk Management
Flood Risk Assessments are a key requirement for planning approval for a wide range of developments. Often forming a key part of our drainage strategies, WCI provides detailed strategic and site-specific Flood Risk Assessments for all sizes of development.
As an integral part of early stage drainage design, our Flood Risk Assessments aim to identify the risk of flooding to a proposed development and its surroundings, while working with all members of the design team to identify options for amending the design or mitigating the flood risk.
In England, the National Planning Policy Framework requires you to complete a Flood Risk Assessment if:
- The site lies within Flood Zone 2 or Flood Zone 3
- The size area is over 1ha
- The site lies within an area that has been classified by the Local Planning Authority or the Environment Agency as having critical drainage problems (ie lies within
a Critical Drainage Area).
In Wales, under TAN15 (Technical Advice Note 15) a FCA (Flood Consequence Assessment) is required if you are within Zone C1 or C2 or Zone B if flooding has been identified as a material consideration.
WCI’s Flood Risk Assessments aim to
- To assess the suitability of the proposed development in relation to all sources of flooding;
- To assess the flood risk posed by the scheme once it is complete and operational;
- To suggest mitigation measures in order to reduce any residual risks to acceptable levels;
- To recommend preferred surface water drainage strategies for the development.